Get your bike ready to ride again

POSTED: 01/03/2022

This is the time of year when many riders get their motorbikes out of winter hibernation and back on the road.

But it’s not just a case of firing them up and riding away.

It is vital that they are checked over and prepared after months of being mothballed.

And remember that you also need to take care having not ridden your motorbike for a long time.

Dave Forster, our general manager, said: “People start putting bikes back on the road as soon as the weather changes and a nice day brings them out.”

To make sure you are ready to ride, here’s some advice…

Every spring many riders go to their bikes and find the battery is flat and the motorbike will not start which is very frustrating on a sunny day!

“What you need to do to pre-empt that is to start the bike to make sure the battery has some life in it, especially if it’s not been on a battery charger over winter. (If you've not got a charger, we've got a great selection, including the Optimate 3, to the right of the parts counter in the showroom. You can also find them in our online shop.)

“Have a look at it now so it’s ready for that first warm, sunny day. There’s nothing worse than putting all your gear on, getting the bike out of the garage, pressing the button and nothing happens,” he warned.

So, if you need to, put the battery on charge or you might need a new one.

“The first nice weekend the phone calls we get are about batteries being flat and needing new ones.”

Check the tyre pressures, tread depth and look for any damage, even if you did so when you laid your motorbike up for winter. You might have had a slow puncture and not realised it.

“The whole motorbike needs a good going over so give it another clean, even if it was done before winter, because that’s when you notice things.

“It’s another chance to check it over because you might have missed something before the winter.”

Make sure all the lights work and check the chain tension and lube it.

Check all the levels too – engine oil, coolant and brake fluid.

You’ve also been off the road so your riding skills might not be as sharp as they were.

“A big thing to remember is that you’re going to be really rusty, having not ridden for a while, so you need a nice, easy ride out to start with. A lot of people forget they will need to get used to riding a motorbike again,” he stressed.

“Just take your time to warm up, your brain to get up to speed and regain your balance. Riding a motorbike is very different to driving a car.”

If your motorbike needs a service, book it in as soon as possible because the new season is a busy time for our workshop.

If you need our workshop, call 01473 257401 or contact us online at