Demo bikes test evening success

Our first demo bikes test evening was such a success that it’s set to become part of our annual events diary. And we’re also looking at staying open later, one day a week.

With about 20 demo bikes available for testing, a good turnout of customers and visitors and keen interest in the pre-booked slots, there was a steady stream of test rides on the warm summer evening. A free barbecue also proved popular and made the event a social occasion.

Director Dave Willis said: “It was a beautiful evening weather-wise. We met up with a lot of regular customers but also several people we hadn’t seen before.”

The Kawasaki Versys, H2 SX and Z1000 SX proved particularly appealing and there was also interest in the new W800.

And, with one sale on the night itself and a couple more as a result of the demo evening, the event also benefitted the business.

The shop also opened late and the workshop was open for MOT tests and safety checks.

“We will have another demo evening and are also considering opening a bit later one night during the week so more people can get to the shop,” said Dave.