Business as normal as showroom reopens

The showroom and parts department are open again. Customers are glad to be back, we’re equally delighted to see them and life finally seems to be getting back to (the new) normal.

We’re still subject to Covid regulations but, thankfully, people are using the hand sanitiser, following the one-way system round our showroom, social distancing and not sitting on motorbikes or trying on clothing without asking a member of staff first.

Director Dave Willis said: “It’s been manic since we reopened the showroom doors.

“The first Saturday we were swamped and struggled to provide the service we normally do. It was the motorcycling equivalent of everyone going back to the pub!”

With the support of our customers, business is also picking up at what is a busy time of year.

“We’ve sold a lot of new and used motorbikes. For the first two weeks we were selling used bikes like they were going out of fashion.

“Then, the next week, we sold more new bikes than usual. Because we’re selling new bikes again, in greater numbers, we’re getting more quality used stock which had also been selling fast.”

Unfortunately, there are still some supply issues with certain models so people might face a slightly longer wait for their new motorbike.

Clothing sales, particularly helmets, are also strong as riders upgrade their equipment for the summer season.

“A lot of people didn’t use their bikes much last year and I can only guess they didn’t bother to buy new helmets and clothing because they weren’t riding. Now they’re treating themselves to a new crash helmet for the new season.”