Bright spots shine through the gloom of 2020

POSTED: 03/01/2021

Looking back on 2020, it’s easy to dismiss it as a year best forgotten but, amid the gloom, there were some bright spots for our business.

The year started strongly and was going well until the first lockdown on 23 March which shut the showroom until 1 June.

Director Dave Willis said: “The last week of March and whole of April were a write-off when it should have been one of the busiest times of the year.

“By May, people had got used to looking on our website and began using motorbikes and scooters rather than public transport and enjoying the freedom of two wheels.”

June was a very strong month with the showroom reopening and pent-up demand for new and used motorbikes while July was a record-breaking month. August was better than normal with so many people not able to go away on holiday.

“September was manic with the new 70 registration plate and the long extended summer. Plus people had money left because they’d not been on holiday,” he explained.

Pleasant weather helped the October performance before things slowed down, as expected, when the weather turned wet in November.

So we weathered the ups and downs of the coronavirus pandemic and, as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining.

“We widened our market place when it came to used bikes with online sales resulting in us delivering them further afield, in fact all over the country.

“The word is getting out that Orwell Motorcycles is a brand you can trust and that’s winning us new customers,” said Dave.

So what are the hopes for 2021?

“Staying fully open,” he quipped.

“To be honest, I think it is going to be a year of survival. We think lockdown is going to continue, on and off, until late spring or early summer.”

He still saw some issues getting stock, so supply and demand could be a problem, but felt it would be better than last year.

“Some new models are coming on stream later in the year because their development was delayed by Covid in 2020.”

We’ll also be continuing to build our KTM franchise which has proved very successful in its first full year, despite the strange circumstances.

He hinted that building the KTM presence could mean further expanding the KTM range and some revamping of the showroom and premises to accommodate new motorbikes.

“We’re also looking to build used bike sales further, especially with our wider market reach.

“Every used motorbike is unique and people are willing to travel, or look further afield, for the right bike in good condition – and our’s always are – from a trusted dealer.”

Check out our quality used bike stock at