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-o-transform: translateY(0); transform: translateY(0); } 80% { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: translateY(0); -moz-transform: translateY(0); -o-transform: translateY(0); transform: translateY(0); } 90% { opacity: .5; } 100% { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: translateY(145%); -moz-transform: translateY(145%); -o-transform: translateY(145%); transform: translateY(145%); } }

Topcase Alu 38l

Part No: 60112929100
Topcase Alu 38l

KTM Touratech top case

Robust and elegant aluminum top case, which passes all tests with flying colors, from daily rides through to adventures:

  • Body made from 1.5 mm thick aluminum
  • Designed for extreme use
  • Completely waterproof and warp-resistant
  • Completely clearance-free seat, even after thousands of kilometers on the piste
  • Quick assembly
  • Tried-and-tested high quality, lockable stainless steel fittings
  • Built-in locks (not included in delivery) can be retrofitted without the need for drills or files
  • Dimensions: 315 mm x 400 mm x 300 mm
  • Volume: 38 l
  • Weight: 2.9 kg
  • Load: 5 kg

A Top Case Carrier is also required.

Fits the following models:

Article No Description Model Year Model Variant
9803E6 950 Adventure 2005 2005 EU
F9987N6 1190 Adventure R 2014 2014 CN
9803F5 990 Adventure 2006 2006 EU
9875H5 990 Adventure 2008 2008 US
F9903M4 1190 Adventure 2013 2013 EU
F9903T6 1290 Super Adventure R 2020 2020 EU
9803LB 990 Adventure 2012 2012 EU
F9603S2 790 Adventure 2019 2019 EU
F9903RC 1090 ADVENTURE 2018 2018 EU
F9960Q4 1290 Super Adventure S 2017 2017 AU
F9975R5 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S 2018 2018 US
F9675S3 790 Adventure R 2019 2019 US
9860G3 990 Adventure S 2007 2007 AU,GB
9803H3 990 Adventure S 2008 2008 EU
F9688T3 790 Adventure R 2020 2020
F9960Q6 1290 Super Adventure R 2017 2017 AU
F9903N7 1190 Adventure 2014 2014 EU
F9923P4 1190 Adventure 2016 2016 FR
F9987N5 1190 Adventure 2014 2014 CN
F9975O5 1190 Adventure 2015 2015 US
F9975QD 1090 Adventure R 2017 2017 US
F9903P8 1190 Adventure 2016 2016 EU
9803H6 990 Adventure 2008 2008 EU
9803F1 950 Supermoto 2006 2006 EU
F9903N4 1190 Adventure 2014 2014 EU
986031 950 Adventure 2003 2003 AU
9803K5 990 Adventure 2011 2011 EU
9803KF 990 Adventure 2011 2011 EU
F9960O6 1190 Adventure R 2015 2015 AU
9875J6 990 Adventure 2010 2010 US
F9960OA 1290 Super Adventure 2015 2015 AU
9860JB 990 Adventure 2010 2010 AU,GB
9875K6 990 Adventure 2011 2011 US
9875D6 950 Adventure 2004 2004 US
F9642TA 790 Adventure 2020 2020 AR
F9986S7 1290 Super Adventure R 2019 2019 JP
9860H5 990 Adventure 2008 2008 AU,GB
9860G5 990 Adventure 2007 2007 AU,GB
F9960N5 1190 Adventure 2014 2014 AU
F9688T1 790 Adventure 2020 2020
9803KH 990 Adventure R 2011 2011 EU
9860F5 990 Adventure 2006 2006 AU,GB
F9923O6 1190 Adventure R 2015 2015 FR
F9903Q7 1290 Super Adventure R 2017 2017 EU
9860K6 990 Adventure 2011 2011 AU,GB
9875LB 990 Adventure 2012 2012 US
F9960N4 1190 Adventure 2014 2014 AU
9875J5 990 Adventure 2010 2010 US
F9960PA 1290 Super Adventure 2016 2016 AU
9803D1 950 Adventure 2004 2004 EU
F9903Q5 1290 Super Adventure S 2017 2017 EU
F9903P4 1190 Adventure 2016 2016 EU
9875L6 990 Adventure 2012 2012 US
9860F6 990 Adventure 2006 2006 AU,GB
F9975O4 1190 Adventure 2015 2015 US
9860H3 990 Adventure S 2008 2008 AU,GB
F9903SD 1090 Adventure R 2019 2019 EU
9860D3 950 Adventure S 2004 2004 AU,GB
F9903S4 1290 Super Adventure S 2019 2019 EU
F9986Q4 1290 Super Adventure S 2017 2017 JP
F9975R4 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S 2018 2018 US
F9923OA 1290 Super Adventure 2015 2015 FR
F9682TA 790 Adventure 2020 2020 PH
9803J5 990 Adventure 2010 2010 EU
9875F6 950 Adventure 2006 2006 US
F9975N4 1190 Adventure 2014 2014 US
F9603TG 790 Adventure 2020 2020 EU
9860D5 950 Adventure 2004 2004 AU,GB
F9975S4 1290 Super Adventure S 2019 2019 US
9803D5 950 Adventure 2004 2004 EU
F9987S4 1290 Super Adventure S 2019 2019 CN
9803D3 950 Adventure S 2004 2004 EU
F9987O6 1190 Adventure R 2015 2015 CN
9860F1 950 Supermoto 2006 2006 AU,GB
F9987T4 1290 Super Adventure S 2020 2020 CN
F9986M6 1190 Adventure R 2013 2013 JP
9875K3 990 Adventure R 2012 2011 US
F9903OC 1050 Adventure 2015 2015 EU
9875D3 950 Adventure S 2004 2004 US
9803K6 990 Adventure 2011 2011 EU
F9942SD 1090 Adventure R 2019 2019 AR
9823K3 990 Adventure R 2011 2011 FR
9860K3 990 Adventure R 2011 2011 AU,GB
F9903N6 1190 Adventure R 2014 2014 EU
F9987QC 1090 Adventure 2017 2016 CN
F9923M6 1190 Adventure R 2013 2013 FR
F9923N7 1190 Adventure 2014 2014 FR
F9682TC 790 Adventure R 2020 2020 PH
9803G6 990 Adventure 2007 2007 EU
9803L3 990 Adventure R 2012 2012 EU
F9975P5 1190 Adventure 2016 2016 US
9803KG 990 Adventure 2011 2011 EU
F9975R6 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE R 2018 2018 US
9860I5 990 Adventure 2009 2009 AU,GB
F9986O4 1190 Adventure 2015 2015 JP

This does fit other models too but this page isn't long enough to list them all! Please contact us to double check.

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